Parents and Teachers

Group visit requests are welcome for all ages to tour the building, do research, or cover topics of special interest.

Mechanicsburg PTO and Facebook

Mechanicsburg Exempted Village School District

INFOhio is a digital library that offers a variety of content and services—most at no charge—to Ohio's 1.9 million PreK-12 students, their parents, and their teachers.

Champaign County Parent Mentor

Fourth Grade History Pass

ASL Storytimes brought to you by Worthington Libraries and Ohio Citizens for Deaf Cultures. Each video contains the illustrated story, ASL interpretation, audible narration, and closed-captioning. The project was funded through a federal Institute of Museum and Library Services LSTA grant, awarded by the State Library of Ohio.

Khan Academy A personalized learning resource for all ages.  Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard to study math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.

Through the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, children residing in the Mechanicsburg Local School District will have books of their own…at no cost to the family!  A new carefully selected book will be mailed, in the child’s name, to his or her home each and every month from birth until he or she turns five years of age. Titles are chosen by a blue ribbon panel of educators, are age appropriate, and have concepts that build upon each other.  All children, regardless of household income are eligible for the program.  Should a child move out of Champaign County, he/she is deleted from the program unless the family moves to another community that participates in the Imagination Library program.  This program is free to all local families due to generous contributions from the United Way of Clark, Champaign, and Madison County.

Register your child for the Imagination Library. Or visit to enroll!

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