Ohio Digital Library (Libby)

Ohio Digital Library (Libby)

Did you know Mechanicsburg has thousands of eBooks, audiobooks, Magazines, Music, and Videos for download?

You can borrow them, instantly, free, using the device in your hand and your library card.


Here is a guide to download the Libby app.


Install the Libby app from your device's app store.

·         Apple App Store

·         Google Play

·         Windows Store

Or, visit libbyapp.com in your Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge browser.


In Libby, follow the prompts to find your library and sign in with a valid library card.


Browse your library's collection and borrow a title.


Borrowed titles appear under Shelf > Loans and download to the app automatically when you're connected to Wi-Fi, so you can read them when you're offline.

From your Loans, you can:

·         Tap Read With... to choose where you'd like to read the book (Kindle or Libby), then finish sending to Kindle (U.S. libraries only) or start reading in Libby.

·         Tap Open Audiobook or Open Magazine to start reading or listening to that title.

·         Tap Manage Loan to see options like Renew and Return.

If you need more help with Libby, please visit Libby Help. Happy reading!


Source URL: https://www.mechanicsburgohlibrary.org/content/ohio-digital-library-libby