Ask us about...

Don’t hesitate…ask us.

Mechanicsburg Public Library increased the number of, and access to, available resources when we joined the Serving Every Ohioan group.   If you haven’t already gotten acquainted, we look forward to showing you our new expanded resources.
We can now offer a borrowing limit of 50 items and requests for up to 25 items.  We encourage our borrowers to place requests for all items of interest, but especially for the most popular books, movies, and magazines.  Ask us in person, over the phone, by e-mail, through our website, or place requests directly in our catalog.  We also have a mobile catalog app for Apple and Android devices.
Take advantage of our auto renewals but remember that items won’t renew if there are requests by other borrowers.  Borrowers may also ask for e-mail courtesy and overdue notices.
Make use of “The Reading Room” section of our catalog to find books by reading level or use the “Kids Catalog” for search results that are mostly for children as the intended audience.
Requests for eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, and videos to download will send our borrowers to our “Online Resources” on the home page of our catalog as well as at “Digital Resources” on our website.   “Digital Downloads” on our website supplies a link to “The Ohio Digital Library” as well as our subscription for magazines at “Flipster”.
So don’t hesitate to ask us about these great resources and services.
A grant through federal funds supplied from the LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) program and funded through the independent federal agency IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services) covered 75% of the costs of joining the Serving Every Ohioan consortium. 
                              -Tammie Beers, Director, Mechanicsburg Public Library

Source URL:’t-hesitate…ask-us