Update to Changes at Mechanicsburg Public Library

Update to changes: We completed the replacement of old data cables January 4, 2018.  See if you notice improvement in our computers and wireless service.  I think so, but see what you think.

Changed, changing and planning many changes at the Mechanicsburg Public Library.  We want our community to know what has happened and will happen in the coming months that we hope will provide more of what you want and need.

For instance, we invested in upgrades to our wireless service that improved the coverage area and signal strength.  We hope this will make our wireless better for visitors to use when we are open and increase the area outside the building for when the library is closed.
We are rearranging the areas of the library with the goal of making what you want easier to find.  The unfortunate side effect is that not everything is where it used to be!  Please do not hesitate to ask for help finding what you want.  Fiction books are all in one area, arranged by author last name.  Books by the same author are now together even if some are paperback, some are hardcover and some are larger print.  You can look for the LP on the spine of the book to find the larger print books if you like to browse the shelves for something that looks interesting.    We moved the audiobooks to spinners so it is easier to look through the collection.  We added more displays to show off the covers.  Only looking at small pieces of books and videos gets boring fast.
Did you notice a new desk, cart, and an activity cube for children?  We purchased them with money donated to remember friends and relatives who valued the library.  The generous support of donors extends what we can provide to our community daily.  
New library cards with key tags are now available.  You can get a replacement for fifty cents or a new card free and have the convenience of carrying your library card on a key ring.  These cards are also preprinted with the barcodes so no more sticky label to catch in your wallet.
There were small changes to our website, www.mechanicsburg.lib.oh.us intended to make it easier to search.  Let us know if you are not sure how to find information on our website.  We use our website to connect you to our catalog of materials, scheduled activities, digital resources, community directory, and recommended websites.  It is also a great way to learn more about the library.  
A big change is coming when we join the Serving Every Ohioan consortium.  We will share resources with this group of libraries scattered throughout Ohio.  Our new catalog will allow you to request items from other member libraries directly and make more requests.  Joining this group will also allow us to increase the total number of items you can borrow.  We were awarded a grant to cover 75% of the costs to join from federal funds supplied through the LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) program, funded through the independent federal agency IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services).  We will not just expand our access to more materials but to additional technology training.  We will also be able to offer courtesy and overdue e-mail notices to let you know about item due dates.
Everything we change is with the goal of improving our service to our community.
                                                                                         -Tammie Beers, Director, Mechanicsburg Public Library


Source URL: https://www.mechanicsburgohlibrary.org/content/changes-mechanicsburg-public-library