Meeting Room

Facilities are available free of charge.  Requests for the use of the meeting room will be taken on a first come, first serve basis with a completed and signed application by a representative of the group.

Mechanicsburg Public Library Public Service Policy 1.51 Meeting Rooms 
The primary purpose of the Library's meeting rooms is to provide a space for Library and Library-related activities. The needs of the Library and the Friends of the Library-Mechanicsburg, Ohio will take precedence. Non-Library Use:  Meeting rooms can be reserved at no cost for use during regular business hours.  The Library reserves the right to limit the frequency of use of our meeting rooms, to cancel reservations and to review any or all applications before granting approval. Reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis and can be scheduled up to a year in advance.  The Library makes no endorsement, express or implied, of any non-Library event or activity held in the meeting room.  Meeting room use shall not be publicized in such a way as to imply Library sponsorship.  A group using a meeting room may rearrange furniture, but must then return the room to its original condition. Groups using the meeting rooms need to end the meeting or program, clean up, move tables and chairs (as needed) and exit the meeting room 15 minutes before closing unless an exception is granted by the Library Director.  Alcoholic beverages are prohibited and groups are responsible for making their own catering or food arrangements.  Fundraising, selling items or services are not permitted.  The person requesting use of a meeting room must be an adult, is responsible for the orderly conduct of the group, and in the event of any damage to Library property and/or equipment that individual will be liable.  Groups or individuals using meeting rooms shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Library from and against any and all losses, damages, claims, costs, suits, actions of any kind, arising and resulting and accruing from any act, omission or error of the group resulting in or relating to personal injuries or property damage arising from the group's use of the Library.

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Meeting Room Application Form 199.24 KB

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